how fair it is to saythat in the Holy Book we're toldthe Sun came AFTER the very first day without the Sun, without the stars,was made Light, and the Light was good.a Light still hoping to be understood. without the Sun grew the grass with …
Another Twinkle
twinkle twinkle little starnot a wonder what you areif a giant sun you behydrogen is what we seenuclear fusionexplosive conversionsends destruction into spacestill i love your light on my faceif a planet carbon based,blue or green you shine in …
Hickory Dickory Karen
Hickory Dickory DockKaren ran up the clockShe ran out of timeAnd soon lost her mindHickory Dickory Dock Hickory Dickory DockKaren stopped the clockTime stood stilland she finally fully comprehended the meaning of the mathematical structure of the …